Research interests
My research concerns lattice based cryptography. More specifically, I am interested in algorithmic questions related to algebraic lattices (i.e., algorithms for computing short vectors, relations between different algorithmic problems, relations between different algebraic structures...). Occasionally, I can also be interested in cryptanalysis of candidate obfuscators.
- Cryptanalysis of rank-2 module-LIP in Totally Real Number Fields, with Guilhem Mureau, Heorhii Pliatsok, and Alexandre Wallet, at Eurocrypt 2024. [pdf][code]
- Ideal-SVP is Hard for Small-Norm Uniform Prime Ideals, with Joël Felderhoff, Damien Stehlé, and Benjamin Wesolowski, at TCC 2023. [pdf]
- Reductions from module lattices to free module lattices, and application to dequantizing module-LLL, with Gabrielle De Micheli, Daniele Micciancio, and Nam Tran, at Crypto 2023. [pdf]
- On Module Unique-SVP and NTRU, with Joël Felderhoff and Damien Stehlé, at Asiacrypt 2022. [pdf]
- Some Easy Instances of Ideal-SVP and Implications on the Partial Vandermonde Knapsack Problem, with Katharina Boudgoust and Erell Gachon, at Crypto 2022, best early career researcher award. [pdf][code]
- On the hardness of the NTRU problem, with Damien Stehlé, at Asiacrypt 2021, best paper award. [pdf]
- Random Self-reducibility of Ideal-SVP via Arakelov Random Walks, with Koen de Boer, Léo Ducas, and Benjamin Wesolowski, at Crypto 2020. [pdf]
- Indistinguishability Obfuscation Without Maps: Attacks and Fixes for Noisy Linear FE, with Shweta Agrawal, at Eurocrypt 2020. [pdf][code]
- An LLL algorithm for module lattices, with Changmin Lee, Damien Stehlé and Alexandre Wallet, at Asiacrypt 2019. [pdf][code]
- Approx-SVP in Ideal Lattices with Pre-Processing, with Guillaume Hanrot and Damien Stehlé, at Eurocrypt 2019. [pdf][code]
- On the Statistical Leak of the GGH13 Multilinear Map and some Variants, with Léo Ducas, at Asiacrypt 2018. [pdf]
- Quantum Attacks against Indistinguishablility Obfuscators Proved Secure in the Weak Multilinear Map Model, at Crypto 2018. [pdf]
- Notes On GGH13 Without The Presence Of Ideals, with Martin R. Albrecht, Alex Davidson and Enrique Larraia, eprint 2017/906 (2017).
- Cryptanalysis of Gu’s ideal multilinear map, with Damien Stehlé, eprint 2015/759 (2015).
PhD thesis
Title: On ideal lattices and the GGH13 multilinear map, under the supervision of Damien Stehlé.
Manuscript and slides: [manuscript][slides of the defense]
Talks in 2023 and 2024
For older talks, see here
Workshops and Summer schools
- Cryptography and isomorphism of lattices and graphs. Journées de combinatoire de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, February 2025. [Slides]
- The (Module) Lattice Isomorphism Problem. Oberwolfach cryptography workshop, Oberwolfach, January 2025. [Slides]
- CAIPI Symposium, Limoges, December 2024.
- How to build cryptography from lattices [Slides]
- Algorithms for the module lattice isomorphism problem in certain fields [Slides][Handwritten nodes]
- Algèbre, géométrie algébrique et applications à la théorie de l'information. CIMPA school in Douala, July 2024.
- Course (6h, on the board): Lattice-based cryptography. [Handwritten notes][Slides]
- Exercises, solutions
- PQ-TLS summer school 2024. Anglet, June 2024. Introduction to lattice-based cryptography.
- Forum Amusec. Marseille, March 2024.
- CIMPA research school on post-quantum cryptography. CIMPA school in Pondicherry, December 2023.
- Course (6h, on the board): Lattice-based cryptography. [Handwritten notes][Slides]
- Exercises, solutions
- SageMath exercises
- Aspects mathématiques de la cryptographie post-quantique. CIMPA school in Rabat, October 2023.
- Course (6h, on the board): Algebraic lattices in cryptography. [Handwritten notes in French]
- Exercises
- Theoretical hardness of NTRU. RISC seminar, CWI, Amsterdam, February 2023. [slides]
- Lattices in cryptography: cryptanalysis, constructions and reductions. Invited talk at Journées Code et Cryptographie 2023, Najac, October 2023. [slides][Lagrange-Gauss animation]
- Témoignage d'une chercheuse. Journée des nouveaux entrants de l'INSMI, Paris, March 2023. [slides]
- Cryptography, hard problems and algorithmic number theory. Short talk given during the DOR (dialogue objectifs-ressources) of the lab, Bordeaux, January 2023. [slides]
Program committees
PKC 2021, PKC 2022, PKC 2023; Asiacrypt 2021, Asiacrypt 2023; Eurocrypt 2022; ANTS 2022; Crypto 2024; Cifris 2024.
I am review neutral.